When Your Internet Browsers Don’t Work

See if this problem sounds familiar: 

Problem Statement from customer: I don’t know if you’ve encountered this before, but my blog page on my website is not allowing me to click on any of the content to see what is written. Every other page allows me to put the cursor over items that can be opened.

The website designer has tried from her end and has been able to open the content. I deleted cache and browsing history, restarted the computer, etc. nothing has worked. Let me know if you have time and think of anything else I can do??

SolutionReset the browser – here’s how:

Instructions to reset IE, Chrome and Firefox

1)      IE – in Control Panel, go to Internet Options, click on the Advanced tab and click on the 2 buttons to reset defaults. Restart IE

2)      Google Chrome – Open up Settings (the three lines or three dots in the top right corner of Google Chrome.  Click on Settings, then at the bottom of the Settings page on “Show Advanced Settings”, then scroll to the bottom and select the “Reset Settings” button.

3)      Firefox – see below: To Refresh Firefox:

  1. Open the Troubleshooting Information page using one of these methods:
    • Click the menu button , click help and select Troubleshooting Information. A new tab containing your troubleshooting information should open.
    • If you’re unable to access the Help menu, type about:support in your address bar to bring up the Troubleshooting Information page.
  2. At the top right corner of the page, you should see a button that says “Refresh Firefox” (“Reset Firefox” in older Firefox versions). Click on it.
  3. Firefox will close. After the refresh process is completed, Firefox will show a window with the information that is imported.
  4. Click Finish and Firefox will reopen.

Suggestion #2 was the solution, but I wanted to share all three browser reset solutions